Upstarts- Movie Review

At the start, when an elopement plan goes awry, the enterprising spirit is awakened. Why not start an elopement app service?

Why not, indeed. “Upstarts” dares to dream. Unlike many other coming-of-age films, this one actually manages to stay balanced and even-toned despite the various ups and downs in the equation shared among three friends who constitute the core of the dream-plan.

What helps, and helps immensely, is the conviction that the actors bring to their otherwise jaded portraits of youthful optimism. Priyanshu Painyuli, Chanrachoor Rai and Vinay Shadaab Kamal, playing sturdy buddies, eke out an extensive persuasion from their characters. So much so that you wonder if this ode to inchoate audacity would have worked without this trio of actors.

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