Beetroot, carrot-orange juice your new morning routine to keep your low blood pressure in check

Blood pressure helps in circulating blood on the wall of the arteries, when the balance of blood pressure is disturbed it can lead to death, sometimes. Although medicines help to strike a balance between the high and low blood pressure but in the long run there can be side effects which can be bad for health. Today in this article we are going to discuss about the natural way to cure lower blood pressure symptoms which is going to be a healthy without having any side effects.
Researchers believe beetroot’s cholesterol lowering potential is likely due to its phytonutrients, such as flavonoids.
Beetroot juice may help in lowering your blood pressure, nitrates compounds in beet root juice that convert into nitric oxide in the blood help widen and relax blood vessels.
Lets check out a quick recipe of this magical drink.
2 raw beetroots
2 Oranges
2 medium size carrots
Pinch of salt
All you need to do is, peel the beets, carrots and oranges put them in a blender add a pinch of salt and blend it thoroughly.
Once blended, sieve it in a glass jar put ice in it and enjoy!
Remember, you need to be consistent in order to see the results for long run, you can have this drink everyday or every alternate days. If you do not like the taste you can also add honey for making it a little sweet

Categories: Health Life