Getting rid off dandruff just got easy, wondering how? Just by using this leaf

Out of many hair related problems one of the most common problem is dandruff which is common in winters . Dandruff can cause itchy scalp and flaky hair, which can be irritating and frustrating at the same time. One of the best ways to keep the dandruff at bay is to use Bay Leaves, as it is considered as best remedy to reduce dandruff and improve hair texture. Bay leaves are rich in vitamins and minerals such as vit b6, vit c and consists anti-inflammatory activities. Today in this article we will make a home made bay leave potion which can reduce the dandruff without spending much on expensive products in the market.
All you need to do is, take 5-6 bay leaves wash them nicely and add them in 2 cups of water , transfer them in a pan and let it simmer till the water reduces to one cup. Once the water have reduced , turn off the flame and let it cool. Transfer the water into a squirt bottle.
Wash your hair with a mild shampoo, once it is done apply the bay leaf water on scalp with the help of squirt bottle and leave it for 20 mins and rinse off with plain water, that’s all. This can be followed up every week and best results can be seen upto 3 months. It has many benefits , apart from removing dandruff it helps in hair regrowth, makes the hair shiny and smooth and keeps it nourished for a long time.

Categories: Beauty Life