What is Psychological Addiction?

In the democratic countries, intelligence is free to ask whatever question it chooses. The freedom, it is certain, we will not survive another war. Educationist should put all their efforts to teach right things and influence their charges to adapt a habit of resistance to suggestion. Resistance to suggestions can be build up in two ways. First, children can be taught to rely on their own internal resources and being independent completely. For instance, majority of people are suffering through psychological addictions such as using phone, scrolling social sites for no reason, purposeless watching T.V. which is somewhere equal to addiction of alcoholism and morphinism. In a survey, it has been concluded that millions of humans suffer real distress if they are cut off for few days or even for few hours from mobile phones, social media , newspaper. They feel incomplete and feel painfully subnormal without including these addictions to day to day life. It is a fact that majority of civilized people are now incapable of living on their own spiritual resources, but have become abjectly dependent on incessant stimulation from without.
Children can be taught to rely upon their own spiritual resources and resist the temptation to become social media addict, phone addict. They can also be taught to entertain themselves by making short measures such as by playing music, by purposeful study, by getting indulged into different forms of art.
The other method of heightening resistance to suggestions is purely intellectual and consists in training young people to invest more time in meditations and enjoy spiritual resources. Also, educators must analyze the words currently used in newspapers, on other platforms by preachers and broadcasters. Their critical analysis and constructive criticism should be conveyed to the children and young generation with such a clarity that they learn to react to forceful suggestions the right way at the right time.

Categories: Health Life