Chennai Corporation Addresses Civic Woes Amid Northeast Monsoon Rains

During the first widespread heavy rains of this Northeast monsoon, Chennai Corporation received over 400 complaints about civic issues from residents. Corporation Commissioner J. Radhakrishnan assured that the reported issues, including water stagnation, faulty streetlights, trees, sewage overflow, and power supply disruptions, will be promptly addressed.

Of the complaints, 276 were related to water stagnation, prompting the Corporation to keep 150 tractors with pumps ready for deployment in affected areas. Dr. Radhakrishnan emphasized the coordination between officials, representatives, and residents welfare associations in resolving these concerns. New locations with water stagnation caused by infrastructure projects will be identified, and the Corporation is prepared with 452 pumps near Metrorail work sites to tackle civic issues arising from the rise in road levels.

The GCC aims to prevent water stagnation along 5,800 km of interior roads and 371 km of bus route roads, emphasizing improved coordination among agencies.

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