Navigating Identity in Conflict: The Struggle of Lebanon’s Displaced

As tensions flare between Israel and Hezbollah, the plight of former South Lebanon Army (SLA) members, now residing in Israel, resurfaces. Fleeing Lebanon over two decades ago, these individuals, dubbed the Zadalnikim, grapple with memories of conflict and displacement. Their narrative echoes a cyclic pattern of upheaval, reminiscent of Lebanon’s turbulent past. Despite being granted Israeli citizenship, their ties to Lebanon remain strong, fraught with apprehension for loved ones back home.

Maryam Younnes epitomizes this dual identity, torn between her Lebanese heritage and Israeli citizenship, her concern for family in Lebanon mirroring broader anxieties. As aspirations for peace clash with geopolitical realities, the fate of Lebanon’s diaspora underscores the complexities of identity amidst perennial conflict.