Modern Tech – Risks and Boons

In today’s world, people cannot live without televisions, mobile phones, computers, and other technologies. These technologies are slowly taking over an important part of people’s daily lives and without them, it would be unimaginable for some of us. To understand technology, one must know what it offers in terms of benefits, but also risks.


First, the evolution of technology can be beneficial to humans for many reasons. At the medical level, the technology helps to treat more sick people and consequently saves many lives and fights many harmful viruses and bacteria. The invention of the computer is a very important factor. This will improve communication and enable companies to communicate more easily with foreign countries. Research has also been simplified.

For companies, progress in implementing strategic technological trends can help them save time and therefore money. Exchanges are fast, especially with the Internet.

Disadvantages and risks:

On the other hand, the evolution of modern technology has its disadvantages, for example, the reliance on new technology. The man no longer needs to think. Although the calculator is a good invention, man no longer does mental computation and his memory does not work.

The decline in human capital indicates an increase in unemployment. The use of technology requires strict regulation and new laws. For example, internet usage is individual freedom. However, the invention of the atomic bomb was not a matter of personal liberty. It is difficult to enforce regulations when these technologies are introduced – such as around control of the arrival of autonomous vehicles.

Finally, since most technological innovations are aimed at reducing human effort, this suggests that more work is being done by machines. It is equivalent to less work for individuals: processes are changing automatically and jobs are changing unnecessarily so that man is valid for a long time daily.

Categories: Hi-Tech Technology