Blinken and Jaishankar Emphasize Shared Commitment to Maritime Security in Red Sea

During their meeting at the Munich Security Conference, Secretary of State Antony Blinken and External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar underscored the imperative of ensuring freedom of navigation in the Red Sea. Both leaders acknowledged the complementary nature of the U.S. and Indian approaches to maritime security in the region, emphasizing their roles in maintaining economic stability.

They also deliberated on efforts towards establishing lasting peace and security in the Middle East. The discussion comes amidst heightened tensions in the Red Sea due to recent incidents involving Yemen’s Houthi rebels. Additionally, the meeting occurred in the context of the growing partnership between the United States and India, with Blinken highlighting the relationship as one of the most consequential globally.

The leaders expressed their commitment to addressing complex issues effectively and preventing conflicts from escalating, reflecting the depth of cooperation between the two nations on various regional and global challenges.

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