China Ends Six-Year Ban on Group Tours to South Korea

China’s tourism authorities announced on Thursday that they are lifting the ban on group tours to South Korea, ending a six-year hiatus caused by strained relations stemming from the deployment of a US defense system in South Korea. The Chinese Ministry of Culture and Tourism stated that Chinese group tours will now be allowed to 78 countries, including South Korea, the US, and Japan.

While China had already removed the group ban for around 60 countries earlier this year due to eased COVID-19 policies, South Korea was initially excluded, which was seen as a reflection of Beijing’s unresolved disagreement over South Korea’s previous anti-coronavirus measures affecting travelers from China.

China initially halted group tours to South Korea in 2017 amid tensions over the deployment of the US defense system known as THAAD, which China perceived as a security threat. Gradual easing of the ban began in 2017, but the pandemic prompted another suspension in early 2020.