Gujarat Announces Compensation for Victims of Rajasthan Road Accident

Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel has announced compensation for the families of those killed and injured in a tragic road accident in Rajasthan. Eleven people from Gujarat’s Bhavnagar lost their lives, and 12 others sustained injuries when a speeding truck struck them early in the morning near Hantara on National Highway 21, connecting Agra and Jaipur.

The deceased included six women. Chief Minister Patel stated that the Gujarat government would provide Rs. 4 lakh to the families of each deceased pilgrim and Rs. 50,000 to the injured.

The accident occurred after a bus carrying 57 passengers from Pushkar to Mathura-Vrindavan experienced mechanical issues, forcing passengers and the driver to disembark. A speeding truck subsequently collided with them, resulting in the tragic incident. The victims’ bodies were taken to the district hospital in Bharatpur.

Categories: National News News