National NewsNews

Assam Special Task Force busted fake currency racket

The Special Task Force (STF) of the Assam police has successfully busted a fake Indian currency racket, resulting in the seizure of a significant amount of counterfeit notes near the ISBT bypass in Guwahati. Officials confirmed the operation on Friday, highlighting the efforts of the STF in combating illegal activities.

The confiscated fake Indian currency notes (FICN) indicate a significant threat to the local economy and the integrity of financial transactions. The operation serves as a deterrent to those involved in circulating counterfeit currency and demonstrates the commitment of law enforcement agencies to maintaining law and order.

The successful bust signifies a major blow to the criminal network responsible for producing and distributing fake currency. The Assam police’s STF deserves praise for its diligent efforts in curbing illegal activities and protecting the financial interests of the state. The investigation is ongoing, and further arrests and actions may follow to dismantle the entire counterfeit currency operation.