National NewsNews

Juvenile Justice Board to Decide Fate of Pune Porsche Car Crash Teen

The Juvenile Justice Board will determine whether the teenager involved in the fatal car crash, which claimed the lives of two individuals, should be tried as an adult. Lawyer Prashant Patil, representing the accused, explained that the Juvenile Justice Act outlines a 90-day process to ascertain whether the Child in Conflict with Law (CCL) should be considered a minor or an adult, involving psychological, social assessments, and de-addiction tests. The accused will undergo monitoring during this period, with regular reports submitted to the Juvenile Justice Board.

Patil revealed that the Board had ordered the accused to be kept in a rehabilitation home for 14 days until June 5, amid debates and legal arguments. The police have filed a review application seeking adult treatment for the juvenile, whose father’s lack of cooperation in the investigation led to further scrutiny. Additionally, bars serving alcohol to minors before the accident have been sealed, and their managers arrested, as part of the ongoing investigation.