Chennai 360

Vasan Eye Care Hospital is Providing Best Eye Care Services to the Patients With the World Class New Technology by highly Qualified & Expirenced Doctors & Staffs.

Chennai : 10 February 2024 : To Add Another Feather on the Cap, Vasan Eye Care Hospital Chormpet Branch Chennai has Launched the Contoura Vision Laser, 10.02.2024 Followed by a CME on Recent Advance on Refractive surgeries “THE FEMTO and THE CONTOURA VISION LASER”.

Advance Lasik Technique “ CONTOURA” In Vasan Eye Hospital Chrompet, Chennai

As we all know VASAN EYE CARE HOSPITAL gives comprehensive treatment for all eye diseases, Vasan Annanagar had launched a new latest technique for Lasik treatment using a advanced machine called “CONTOURA” Children& Teen ages are forced to use gadgets (screen time) for longer period of time which leads to refractive error to advised to wear glass.

Myopia & Hyper Metropia:-

Due to excessive are of gadgets of other factors, light rays do not fall on the retina, they fall in front or back of retina to came Myopia or Hypermetropia.

Treatment for Myopia and Hyper Metropia:-

To correct this refractive error spectacles or contact lenses are prescribed. But youngsters do not prefer wearing glasses due to cosmetic/ beauty concense. Such individual are treated with different types of laser treatment – CONTOURA being are latest techniques at present.

CONTOURA Lasik Surgery :-

CONTOURA vision makes 22,000 points gives you the sharpest vision. It treats your visual axis, which makes the treatment very effective It gives beyond 6/6 that is 6/5 vision.

Who is eligible for CONTOURA lasik surgery prerequisite criteria or to undergo CONTOURA vision lasik surgery:-

1. 20-40 years of age.
2. Stable eye glass prescription for eye wear.
3. Refractive error up to 8D doubt.
4. No major corneal pathology.

FEMTO & CONTOURA In Vasan – Chrompet, Chennai:-

Best eye care providers Vasan eye care given this best treatment for patients with IT people, Sports person, College students, Young girls above 20 years in Chrompet, Chennai. Kindly make use of this opportunity to get out of your refractive error.

This auspicious occassion was Honoured by the Presence of our Cheif Guest

MS,DO,Consultant Medical RETINA

Cataract and Refractive Surgeon

MD(AIMS NEW DELHI),DNB,FAICO,PHACO,Paediatric Opthal, Strabisms,
Neuro – Ophthal, Strabisms,Neuro – Opthal, Lasik Surgeon


Medical Retina

DR.P.ASHOKAN Welcomed the Gathering & DR.MARY SHOBA RANI gave a briefing Session on Contoura Vs Customised Lasik Technique DR.T.RAJESWARI also Explanied about FEMTO Laser of Surgery. DR.KOUSHIK gave a talk on Evolution of Vasan Followed by Vote of Thanks by DR.KANCHANA.

Contoura Vision Laser Correction Offers Sharpest Spectacle free Vision with negligible loss of Tissue.