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Delay in Textbook Revision Committee Report Submission Could Affect Textbook Supply in Karnataka

The delay in the submission of the Textbook Revision Committee report to the Karnataka State Government may lead to a delay in the printing and supply of textbooks for the 2024-25 academic year. The committee, headed by Manjunath G. Hegde, was appointed in September 2023 to re-examine the textbooks revised by the earlier committee.

Despite the committee’s assurance to submit the report by the end of January 2024, it is yet to be submitted due to the unavailability of the minister concerned. This delay poses challenges for the Karnataka Text Book Society (KTBS), which needs to print approximately 12 crore textbooks divided into two parts, SA-1 and SA-2, for the upcoming academic year.

The KTBS had aimed to print around 12.79 crore textbooks from classes 1 to 10 with a total of 984 titles, but the delay in the report submission may disrupt this plan. Additionally, stringent tender rules for textbook printing and the need for approval processes at various government levels further complicate the situation. Despite efforts to expedite the process, concerns remain regarding the availability of textbooks to students by the start of the academic year.